Perceptual Science Group @ MIT

Curriculum Vitae

Ruth Rosenholtz
Principal Research Scientist


Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
32 Vassar St., Building 32-D426
Cambridge, MA 02139

Phone:  617-324-0269






Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California at Berkeley, December, 1994.
Major field of study: Signal Processing
Minor fields of study: Robotics and Control, Mathematics
Thesis: “Local Shape From Texture.” Advisor: Jitendra Malik.

M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California at Berkeley, 1991.
Thesis: “Iterative Procedures for Reduction of Blocking Effects in Transform Image Coding.” Advisor: Avideh Zakhor.

B.S. in Engineering, with Distinction in Course, Swarthmore College, 1988.
Senior Design Project: “Computer Recognition of Facial Features.” Advisor: Stephen Platt.

1974-1979. Ph. D. in Experimental Psychology, University of Michigan
Dissertation: The response of the rod system to bright flashes of light

1970-1974. B. A. in Physics and Philosophy, Yale University

Positions held:

2003-present: Principal Research Scientist, Dept. of Brain & Cognitive Sciences, CSAIL, MIT
2001-2003: Manager, Image Components & Services, (Xerox) Palo Alto Research Center
1997-2001: Member of Research Staff II, (Xerox) Palo Alto Research Center
1995-1997: NRC Postdoctoral Researcher, NASA Ames
1994-1995: Postdoctoral Researcher, Utrecht University

Honors and Awards:

Fellow, Association for Psychological Science, 2019.
University of California at Berkeley Eliahu Jury Award for excellence in control, systems, and signal processing research, 1995.
Google Research Awards, 2011, 2013-2015
Keynote speaker, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, “Vision at a glance”, 2017
Invited speaker, VSS Symposium, “The role of ensemble statistics in the visual periphery”, 2017
Invited speaker, ECVP “Controversy” Symposium, “How does crowding limit object recognition”, 2017
Keynote speaker, Conference on Spatial Information Theory, 2019

Selected Service:

2018-present: Advisory board, FoVea (Females of Vision et al)
2018-present: Associate editor, Journal of Vision
2016-present: Committee member, VSS Davida Teller Award
2017-present: Editorial board, Journal of Perceptual Imaging
2003-2017: Editorial board, ACM Transactions on Applied Perception
2005-2006: Program committee, Applied Perception in Graphics & Vision


===== Publications =====
—- publist —-
cols : title, authors, shortcite, year, summary_page, www_url, pdf_url
sort : ^year
years : false
filter : type=publication


R. Rosenholtz, A. Woodruff, & A. Faulring, “Methods and systems for generating enhanced thumbnails.” U.S. patent #7,069,506 (2006).
R. Rosenholtz, A. Woodruff, & A. Faulring, “Methods and systems for document navigation using enhanced thumbnails.” U.S. patent #6,993,726 (2006).
R. Rosenholtz, A. Woodruff, & A. Faulring, “Methods and systems for generating enhanced thumbnails usable for document navigation.” U.S. patent #6,883,138 (2005).
R. Rosenholtz, “Systems and method for automatically choosing visual characteristics to highlight a target against a background.” U.S. patent #7,130,461 (2006).
R. Rosenholtz, A. Woodruff, & A. Faulring, “Methods and systems for transitioning between thumbnails and documents based upon thumbnail appearance.” U.S. patent #7,337,396 (2008).
J. P. Lewis, R. Rosenholtz, N. Fong, & U. Neumann. “Visual identifiers for digital data.” Pending.